Zoom Board Meeting – February 21


Present (in person): Heather Haefner (DOF), Rosemary Schoch (HRD), Kristi Harris, (CEO)

(zoom): Dr. Khan (MD), Kathy Taylor, Patrick Hughes (chair), Lisa Bansa (vice chair)

Absent: Vincent Ford

Introductions and meeting logistics @ 0:00

The board welcomed new members Dr. Khan and Kathy Taylor. Kristi Conrad outlined plans to improve meeting scheduling and financial reporting.

Marketing and advertising plans @ 21:12

The board discussed a $18,000 marketing package from WBRE. Kathy Taylor recommended vetting proposals and exploring free options to maximize impact. A decision was tabled pending analysis.


Staffing and program updates @ 47:49

Staff issues at East were addressed. The school program exceeded capacity, requiring two new teachers. A physician’s assistant and anger management programs promised additional revenues.


Future plans and goals @ 1:14:00

Plans formed to transition IBHS to adult/adolescent mental health licenses, selling vehicles to offset costs. Expansion into the vacant school building was discussed pending lease details.

Closing remarks @ 1:33:12

The new board members were welcomed. IT security audits were scheduled. Progress and positive changes were acknowledged while continuing efforts to optimize operations and finances.