Present: VIA ZOOM: Kristi Harris, Rose Schoch, Lisa Bansa, Heather Haefner, Patrick Huges, Markie Troutman 

Absent: Kathy Taylor, Vincent Ford, Emily Fitzgerald, Dr. Kahn 

Altoona made a profit of $761.00 

Honesdale made $20,555.18 

Milton made a profit of $12,254.91 

We will have a better picture of finances at the next board meeting in January. 

Current on liability insurance. 

Drug and alcohol are bringing the billables up. 

Veterans’ affairs referrals within 30 days 

Vote: Patrick nominated to vote Erica Barnes on to the board heather 2nd 

Unanimous decision Erica is voted as a new board member. 

Discussion about when to hold the board meetings every third Wednesday of the month at 11am.  Everyone agrees.